Maricel Hecimovich


Maricel Hecimovich brings a world of experience and imagination to her work. She was born in the Philippines, grew up in Hawaii, and has lived in Texas, Chicago, and Indiana. Her passions – travel, vintage pieces, photography, fashion, food, architecture, art, and film – all uniquely contributed to her success as a designer. With over a decade of study and experience in interior design and architecture, Maricel's first priority is to make your experience simple and pleasant. She’s fun and quirky partner in design. Maricel encourages your intuitive love of design by showcasing your lifestyle and unique identity.

Design Heroes: Frank Lloyd Wright, David Jimenez, Rick Joy, Alexandra & Michael Misczynski of Atelier AM Inspired by: Historic and modern architecture, exotic food, kindness, and soulful books Design Philosophy: Balancing elegance and comfort ultimately leads to authentic and emotional interiors Leisure Pursuit: Horseback riding, nature walks, yoga, self-reflecting, reading, jiujitsu, journaling, traveling, visiting museums, playing the drums Dying to visit: India, Dubai, Portugal, Greece Would love to: Stargaze nightly in the middle of the desert or near the ocean Other Life Goal: To provide a safe place for children where they are encouraged and supported to express their true authentic self.


Maricel understands that evocative interior design is not isolating; it’s inviting. Her expressive designs have the power to connect you to your favorite people and places in authentic, artistic ways. The creative process often begins with a single, captivating element that becomes the heart and soul of the newly designed space. Every vintage furniture piece, architectural element, or work of art sparks Maricel’s imagination. With the ability to merge function and style in a personalized way, Maricel’s inspired process leads to inventive designs. And she does it all so effortlessly.